Fun committees

The decarbonization game

In a session of 1 to 4 hours depending on the objectives, for an audience of 10 to 20 people, we apply a simple method to reduce their footprint by 5t CO2 in 10 years: everyone calculates their family and individual footprint in the first quarter of hour with the Carbometer or the ADEME simulator, then we discover an urban and rural space by the Ecological Renaissance Fresco (used by local authorities to develop their climate and relational transition projects) where carbon reduction possibilities are shown, for each choose your pace. The fastest, the most efficient and the most buoyant each win a spinning top (or not to be) or a caramel medal.

To start without difficulty on the carbometer, we recommend typing the identifier and modify the fingerprints: basic is average for a family of 4 people and basic2 for two people.

Facilitator training on February 19 Facilitator training on March 12 Decarbonization game Game sheet to print The friendly frescoes

Local low-carbon committees

Our association carries (with a few others) the movement for carbon counting and the endowment of individual quotas which reduce by 6% each year to guarantee carbon neutrality in 2050 as advocated by scientists.

The movement is described under and its wikipedia. We are in the process of creating a thousand local committees which would have fun sessions as above and would bring a wish to elected officials, municipal, regional, senatorial or national assembly , to strengthen the low-carbon path that we recommend.

Mapping of local committees The anticipation film
Help cities and agglomerations to become resilient We have just experienced a paralyzing crisis, we must not remain without protecting ourselves from other crises which could be just as disabling for our territories, it is a question of training and supporting mayors and conurbations towards economic resilience through fun and interactive tools.
The game of territorial resilience
La Fabrique des Transitions is the territorial movement that was initiated by Jean-François Caron, Daniel Cueff, Pierre Aschieri (the mayors of Loos, Langouët and Mouans-sartoux) and the NGO CITEGO. We adhere to their charter and follow the proposal to send transition projects to our regional prefects and regional councils, copies below. All the structures that are part of it are linked in an alliance charter which makes us more or less active allies depending on the periods and activities and which maintains a dynamic of organic organization: we all humans shape the world through organizations that we give ourselves. When we have opted for a mode of organization, we are its elements and we are carried by it. If we have opted for a mechanical organization with its statutes, its planning, its "powers over" and its pyramidal forms, we follow this organization. If we have opted for an organic organization, with its charter of alliance, its decisions by process, its preference for the "power to", its network forms where to grasp the handles, we are able to transform the skills at the heart of the new company.
Sign the appeal of the Factory

Project 1:

Stimulate mayors and agglomerations through a playful pedagogy of resilience

Leader: Arnaud Chambat, treasurer of the association Description: the association has developed a board game to make the mayors react to the crises and vulnerabilities introduced by the moderator in a game lasting less than two hours, the moderator adapting the game to each complex local situation according to validated method of animation. Argument: We have just experienced a paralyzing crisis, we must not remain without protecting ourselves from other crises which could be just as disabling for our territories, it is a question of training and supporting mayors and conurbations towards economic resilience through fun and interactive tools. Impact on jobs: indirect effect of gaining stability in local dynamics, therefore maintaining employment which would disappear under the various crises simulated.
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Project 2:

Low-carbon professions, census and job descriptions

Leader: François Ledoux, secretary of the association Description: based on a standard low-carbon job sheet, the team draws up a sheet for each job and assesses the job potential corresponding to it, based on the 322 employment zones. It offers a low-carbon atlas. Argument: faced with the worsening of the climate crisis, the first question asked is always employment. By directing the millions of low-carbon jobs, we allow to calmly think about the transition without the sword of Damocles, help young graduates to find their way, help companies to reconfigure their strategy, help territories to favor low-carbon jobs. carbon.Impact jobs: Propose a low-carbon employment relay post in each of the 322 employment zones, for the direct impact, and assistance to the millions of jobs condemned by the need for carbon neutrality in 2050.
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Project 3:

The Carbometer to become aware of your emissions

Holder: Christophe Huchedé, vice-president of the association Description: a web application for smartphone for everyone's carbon footprint, with two options "business forecast / family forecast" to calculate each person's annual footprint and consider improvements by simulations successive.Argument: most French people would like to better limit their greenhouse gas emissions but lack the information to do so. Such an application also allows fun developments such as experimenting with the carbon account for generalized capping of individual quotas. The application shows that it is possible to reduce your emissions enormously without fundamentally changing your way of life, simply by favoring low-carbon resources and products. Impact on jobs: the application becoming free, the only impact would be indirect, by taking conscience, but also by pushing companies to appoint a carbon management controller in each establishment.
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A JOYFUL VIDEO for a not sad future... What's new in 2030... The "Partager c'est sympa" youtube site features Vincent Verzat for a return to the most inspiring future for our new professions, our behaviors how they will have evolved in 2030, how we will have been helped by women. to see, like and comment...
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